She's on Duty 2005

Crime Action Comedy

The film deals with a boisterous undercover female cop who gets sent to a high school in order to get close to a criminal in hideout by befriending his teenage daughter. The general set up and the fighting antics of the female cop...

Tutti i titoli
  • KR: Jambok-geunmu Jambok-geunmu
  • JP: 恋の潜伏捜査 恋の潜伏捜査
  • RU: Под прикрытием Под прикрытием
  • KR: Jambok-geunmu Jambok-geunmu
  • AE: She's on Duty She's on Duty
  • VN: Nữ Cảnh Sát Chìm Nữ Cảnh Sát Chìm
  • KR: She's on Duty She's on Duty
Data di rilascio 17 Mar 2005
Link IMDb
